2015-16 Year-At-A-Glance
Tuesday, Sept 9: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Friday, Sept 12: Welcome Picnic(5:30pm to 7:30pm)
This is an informal event when families can enjoy a picnic brought from home or purchase a hot dog from Bro Dogs or a shaved ice treat from the two carts that will be available.
Thursday, Sept 18: Clothes Closet Volunteer Day (9:00am to 2:00pm)
Forest Park Elementary sends volunteers twice a year to work at the Portland PTA Clothing Center. We help sort and hang donated clothes, as well as help children pick out clothing they need. Any volunteers welcome!!
Saturday, Sept 27: Kindergarten Social (7:00pm to 10:00pm)
This event is a great way for parents of kindergartners to meet other families, meet the Principal, the Kindergarten teachers, and members of the PTA and Foundation.
Thursday, Oct 2: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment
Monday, Oct 6: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Wednesday, Oct 8: International Walk to School Day
Walk or bike to school, have fun, be healthier, and win prizes! Safe route maps will be available in the school office for parents to pick up.
Oct 13-16: Book Fair
Students, families, and the community are all invited to come check out and purchase great books.
Tuesday, Oct 14: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Friday, Oct 17: Harvest Festival (6:30pm to 9pm)
Lots of fun for the whole family. Join us in the gym for a party, kids costume parade and other fun activities.
Monday, Oct 20: Box Top Fundraiser Kickoff
The PTA will start collecting box top coupons this day. If every student brings in 20 box tops (each worth 10 cents), we will raise ~$1000. First to turn in at least 10 box tops will receive a FPE pencil.
Thursday, Oct 23: PTA General Meeting 6:30pm
First General PTA meeting of two to present the role of the PTA with in FPE, financials and budget, and introductions to the board, committees and programs delivered during the 2014-2015 school year.
Wednesday, Oct 29: Staff Conference Dinner
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide dinner to sustain our teachers during conferences.
Monday, Nov 3: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Thursday, Nov 6: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
Friday, Nov 7: FPE Variety Show – Forest Park’s Got Talent 6:30pm
Talent galore - come and see our children perform!
Monday, Nov 17: Harlem Ambassadors Assembly
The Harlem Ambassadors will be sharing their anti-bullying and anti-drug message through two assemblies (K-2 and 3-5).
Tuesday, Nov 18: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Wednesday, Nov 19: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Monday, Dec 1: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Wednesday, Dec 3 through Friday, Dec 12: Kids Helping Kids Holiday Food Drive
We will be collecting food, boxing it up, and delivering the boxes to a needy school.
Thursday, Dec 4: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
Tuesday, Dec 9: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Wednesday, Dec 17: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Monday, Jan 5: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Thursday, Jan 8: Reflections "The World Would Be a Better Place If. . ."
The theme of this year's national Reflections Art Program is "The World Would Be a Better Place If. . ." Interested FPE students can choose from several artistic categories: dance choreography, film/video production, literature, music composition, photography, visual arts, three-dimensional visual arts, and theater. Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the theme can be submitted. Submission deadline is Jan. 8. Regional winners are sent to the state level and some will be forwarded to the national Reflections competition.
Tuesday, Jan 13: Morning Mug and PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Wednesday, Jan 21: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Monday, Feb 2: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Thursday, Feb 5: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
Saturday, Feb 7: FPE Spelling Bee
The Spelling Bee is open to all 4th and 5th grade spelling enthusiasts. The regional bee will occur in Portland (March), the regional winner will attend the National bee in Washington, DC (May).
Tuesday, Feb 10: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Wednesday, Feb 18: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Friday, Feb 20: Valentine’s Dance (6:00pm to 9:00pm)
Dance the night away with us! Often we have live music, other times a super fun DJ, and always we have a marvelous time.
Wednesday, Feb 25: Kindergarten Connect
An annual after school event where parents register their children for the next school year and kids get acquainted with the Kindergarten Teachers.
Monday, Mar 2: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Thursday, Mar 5: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
Tuesday, Mar 10: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Friday, Mar 13: Family Movie Night (6:00pm to 8:30pm)
Come join us for a fun family evening, watching a movie in the gym at school.
Wednesday, Mar 18: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Thursday, Apr 2: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
Monday, Apr 6: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Tuesday, Apr 14: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Wednesday, Apr 15: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Thursday, Apr 16: Clothes Closet Volunteer Day
Forest Park Elementary sends volunteers twice a year to work at the Portland PTA Clothing Center. We help sort and hang donated clothes, as well as help children pick out clothing they need. Any volunteers welcome!!
Monday, May 4: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Tuesday, May 5: Dough for Dollars(occurs monthly)
Support our PTA by purchasing gift cards and food at Pizzicato.
Thursday, May 7: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
May 4-8: Teacher/Staff Appreciation week
Show your support for our teachers and staff this week.
Tuesday, May 12: PTA General and Board Meeting 8:15am
PTA Board Meetings May's meeting will be the last General meeting for the year. At this meeting we will vote in the new PTA Board and conduct a year-end review.
Wednesday, May 13: Waste Free / Walk to School Wednesday
Walk or ride a bike to school. Bring a waste-free lunch to school.
Friday, May 29 - Spring Carnival
Come and enjoy this annual community celebration/carnival.
Monday, Jun 1: Staff Snack (occurs monthly)
Teacher-Staff Liaison volunteers provide sweet and savory snacks for the first Monday staff meeting.
Thursday, Jun 4: Green Team Workshop (occurs monthly)
Kids will learn about plants, macroinvertebrates, and the impact of litter on our environment.
Tuesday, Jun 9: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
July - August
July TBD: Start of Weekly School Beautification
Please help us keep our school grounds beautiful. Starting in July, families are invited to join for one hour every Wednesday evening at 7pm to help weed, mow, plant, mulch, trim. No equipment or experience necessary - any age volunteers welcome. Click herefor more information.
Tuesday, Sept 9: PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (occurs monthly)
PTA Board Meetings occur monthly, open to the FPE community.
Friday, Sept 12: Welcome Picnic(5:30pm to 7:30pm)
This is an informal event when families can enjoy a picnic brought from home or purchase a hot dog from Bro Dogs or a shaved ice treat from the two carts that will be available.
Thursday, Sept 18: Clothes Closet Volunteer Day (9:00am to 2:00pm)
Forest Park Elementary sends volunteers twice a year to work at the Portland PTA Clothing Center. We help sort and hang donated clothes, as well as help children pick out clothing they need. Any volunteers welcome!!
Saturday, Sept 27: Kindergarten Social (7:00pm to 10:00pm)
This event is a great way for parents of kindergartners to meet other families, meet the Principal, the Kindergarten teachers, and members of the PTA and Foundatio