GO DEEP IN "STEAM" Partnership !

Getting Onboard to Discover Educational Experiences Partnership

The goal of “GO DEEP” is to help bring experts into the classroom on subjects teachers are covering, help teachers plan and prepare hands-on activities that extend our lessons further, and to come up with out of the box field trips that help students make real world connections to learning in the areas of Science, Social Studies, and Expressive Arts. The goal of “GO DEEP” is to enhance the learning experience through the direction of the teacher. 

Teachers have broken down the standards and topics being covered in each nine weeks for their grade level unit. We need parent involvement to help in many different roles:

1. Brainstorming/Planning Team - This group of members will meet 5-8 times over the school year; at least once before each new nine weeks to go over the new standards being taught and to develop key ideas, projects, experiences, finding experts and working with teachers to set up schedules.

2. Volunteers who can come into the classroom and help facilitate the activities, experiments and hands on learning projects. These members will also be emailed anytime the planning team is in need of you to reach out into the community to find experts or resources from outside the school.